And at this point Jesus' timing is impeccable. It is only after this climactic statement that the disciples return.
We discussed earlier that because of their flesh, they may have interjected and hindered this important ministerial moment. It says that they marveled and wanted to ask “What do You seek?” or, “Why are You talking with her?”, yet did not dare. John 3:16 lets us know that Jesus came for whoever believes in Him, far be it that the disciples would have the power to prevent one who believes to receive their everlasting life.
The woman then left her waterpot The woman came with one intention, but left with another. As shown in earlier chapters of John, a true encounter with Jesus prompts change and evangelism. Not necessarily through teaching or preaching, for there is a diversity of gifts of the Spirit, but most importantly through lifestyle.
Men here in Greek is a broad term that can represent both males and females. So she went to everyone she could in the city to exclaim the joy of meeting Christ.
Could this be the Christ One could argue against this question as doubt on her part saying, "Was not the testimony of Christ Himself not enough?". However, let us value her wisdom here for the Word tells us to test every spirit (1 John 4:1-5).
Then they went out of the city and came to Him. Not only did the woman show wisdom in her invitation to the residents of the city, but the citizens also showed wisdom in that they went out. The prophet Isaiah instructs us to seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near (Isaiah 55:6)
In the meantime John, the author, does a great job of writing the book in a way the reader can follow the story like a movie. As the woman is gathering the people of Sychar the disciples and Jesus begin this dialog.
“Rabbi, eat.” We have already established the weariness of Jesus from the long journey during the heat of the day to get to Sychar. The disciples, knowing that Jesus is famished, urge Him to eat. This is not in the text, but one would assume they may have eaten while or on the way back from gathering the food.
“I have food to eat of which you do not know.” Food is both a sustainer and a requirement for our fleshly bodies. Jesus here is telling His disciples that He has a sustainer and requirement that is different from the food of the earth.
“Has anyone brought Him anything to eat?”. The way that God speaks is so multilayered it is easy for us as humans to mistake spiritual things for fleshly. The disciples after hearing "I have [different] food to eat" question whether someone else brought Jesus food.
My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work. As stated earlier, food for flesh is both a sustainer and a requirement. And yet, Jesus enlightens us that His sustainer and requirement is not earthly meals, but doing the will of the Father! This is very similar to Jesus telling the woman He has better water (the Spirit). He constantly communicates an urgent recognition of spiritual matters and implications.
Do you not say In that time there would have been approximately four months until the fields were ready to harvest. However, Jesus points out that in the spirit the time to harvest is NOW.
He tells them to look at the fields, or the cities and communities that are craving and ready for the gospel of truth. The grains in the field are the men and women who are prepared and ready to receive Christ into their hearts if someone would show them the way.
White in this case means ripe or ready to be gathered. During times of peak ripeness of barley fields, they would get to be nearly a white color.

he who reaps receives wages The Lord will reward His workers. Not out of obligation, but out of His love and care.
that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together Jesus clarifies the two roles of the saints in the gathering of new believers: sowers and reapers. One sows: they plant seeds of the gospel through the Holy Spirit into those who are lost and pray that their hearts be fertile soil. One reaps: through the power of the Holy Spirit they bring the lost one to Christ through repentance and faith.
One sows and another reaps Jesus explains the collaborative effort between believers and the work that God has placed in us. Your work is the precursor for another or the aftercomer. We must put our best foot forward on our part to provide the best scenario for the next person's work.
Solomon loathed this: Then I hated all my labor in which I had toiled under the sun because I must leave it to the man who will come after me. And who knows whether he will be wise or a fool? Ecclesiastes 2:18
Will you be wise in handling the work of others or a fool?
I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored. Reaffirming the point, Jesus emphasizes that He is entrusting to them to reap what He has already sown and prepared. What grace is He showing for because of this they shall receive wages.
And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified What a powerful testimony for the Samaritan woman, that through her evangelism many were saved. The same woman who was thought to be unclean, of which the disciples questioned Jesus' interaction with her, is the instrument in which many believed. God can use the weak, improbable, and foolish to do mighty works.
they urged Him to stay with them They wisely used this time to learn and experience this Man firsthand. He stayed there two days, probably teaching and clarifying many of the earthly misconceptions that they had. John does not explicitly state any miracles done in Sychar, for this was a miracle in itself.
And many more believed because of His own word. By His own word and testimony the large number of believers grew even more.
Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him Similar to Job after his encounter with God. For he states, I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, But now my eye sees You. Job 42:5. We must desire to know God personally and not just off of the testimony of others for it will solidify and seal our faith.